Ali Baba
See: Hubbard, Elbert, 1856-1915
Annaeus Seneca, Lucius
See: Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, 4? BC-65
Bayle-Mouillard, Elisabeth-Félicie
See: Celnart, Elisabeth, 1796-1865
Beers, Lily Kendall
See: Berthelot de la Boileverie, Lily Kendall Beers
Belle, Virginia
See: Van de Water, Virginia Terhune, 1865-1945
Bickerstaff, Isaac
See: Steele, Richard, Sir, 1672-1729
Boileverie, Lily Kendall Beers Berthelot de la
See: Berthelot de la Boileverie, Lily Kendall Beers
Bonilla, Eugenio María de Hostos y
See: Hostos, Eugenio María de, 1839-1903
See: Rostaing, Jules, 1824-
Brown, Giorgio Rossi
See: Mazzini, Giuseppe, 1805-1872
Bruce, Arthur Loring
See: Crowninshield, Frank, 1872-1947
Canard, Elisabeth
See: Celnart, Elisabeth, 1796-1865
Casa, Giovanni Della
See: Della Casa, Giovanni, 1503-1556
Chandler, Mary G. (Mary Greene)
See: Ware, Mary G. (Mary Greene), 1818-
Chastillon, Balthasar de, comte
See: Castiglione, Baldassarre, conte, 1478-1529
- Letters, sentences and maxims (English) (as Author)
- Letters to His Son, 1746-47
On the Fine Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman (English) (as Author)
- Letters to His Son, 1748
On the Fine Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman (English) (as Author)
- Letters to His Son, 1749
On the Fine Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman (English) (as Author)
- Letters to His Son, 1750
On the Fine Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman (English) (as Author)
- Letters to His Son, 1751
On the Fine Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman (English) (as Author)
- Letters to His Son, 1752
On the Fine Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman (English) (as Author)
- Letters to His Son, 1753-54
On the Fine Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman (English) (as Author)
- Letters to His Son, 1756-58
On the Fine Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman (English) (as Author)
- Letters to His Son, 1759-65
On the Fine Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman (English) (as Author)
- Letters to His Son, 1766-71
On the Fine Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman (English) (as Author)
- Letters to His Son, Complete
On the Fine Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman (English) (as Author)
- Principles of politeness, and of knowing the world (English) (as Author)
- Quotes and Images from Chesterfield's Letters to His Son (English) (as Author)
Child, David Lee, Mrs.
See: Child, Lydia Maria, 1802-1880
Courde de Montaiglon, Anatole de
See: Montaiglon, Anatole de, 1824-1895
Cresswick, Mr.
See: Wollstonecraft, Mary, 1759-1797
Dangennes, B.
See: Blanchard, Mme.
Darragh, J. Thomas
See: Hale, Edward Everett, 1822-1909
De Cambon, Madame (Maria Geertruida van de Werken)
See: Cambon, Madame de (Maria Geertruida van de Werken), 1734-1796?
De Castiglione, Baltasar, conte
See: Castiglione, Baldassarre, conte, 1478-1529
De Castro, Modesto
See: Castro, Modesto de, 1819-1864
De Hostos, Eugenio María
See: Hostos, Eugenio María de, 1839-1903
De Lannoy, Mortimer Delano
See: Delano de Lannoy, Mortimer, 1869-1920
Delorme, Joseph
See: Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin, 1804-1869
De Mandeville, Bernard
See: Mandeville, Bernard, 1670-1733
De Montaiglon, Anatole
See: Montaiglon, Anatole de, 1824-1895
Edgar, John, Sir
See: Steele, Richard, Sir, 1672-1729
Elbertus, Fra
See: Hubbard, Elbert, 1856-1915
Fallodon, Edward Grey, Viscount Grey of
See: Grey of Fallodon, Edward Grey, Viscount, 1862-1933
Félix, Jules
See: Rostaing, Jules, 1824-
Francis, Lydia Maria
See: Child, Lydia Maria, 1802-1880
Geoffroi de La Tour Landry
See: La Tour Landry, Geoffroy de, -1406?
Gilmer, Elizabeth M. (Elizabeth Meriwether)
See: Dix, Dorothy, 1861-1951
Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft
See: Wollstonecraft, Mary, 1759-1797
Grey, Edward
See: Grey of Fallodon, Edward Grey, Viscount, 1862-1933
Hawes, Mary Virginia
See: Harland, Marion, 1830-1922
- 菜根譚 (Chinese) (as Author)
- 菜根譚前後集 (Chinese) (as Author)
Ingham, Frederic
See: Hale, Edward Everett, 1822-1909
See: Martineau, Harriet, 1802-1876
Lambert, J.-J., Mme
See: Rostaing, Jules, 1824-
Landry, Geoffroy de La Tour
See: La Tour Landry, Geoffroy de, -1406?
Lannoy, Mortimer Delano de
See: Delano de Lannoy, Mortimer, 1869-1920
Li, Yü-hsiu
See: Li, Yuxiu, active 17th century-18th century
- 弟子規 (Chinese) (as Author)
Li, Ziqian
See: Li, Yuxiu, active 17th century-18th century
- 呻吟語 (Chinese) (as Author)
Lunettes, Henry
See: Conkling, Margaret C. (Margaret Cockburn), 1814-1890
Madama Tobba
See: Jónína Sigríður Jónsdóttir, 1884-1963
See: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891
See: Mencius, 372? BC-289? BC
Newdigate prizeman
See: Mallock, W. H. (William Hurrell), 1849-1923
Osmun, Thomas Embley
See: Ayres, Alfred, 1826?-1902
Planché, Matilda Anne
See: Mackarness, Henry S., Mrs., 1826-1881
See: Rostaing, Jules, 1824-
Porcupine, Peter
See: Cobbett, William, 1763-1835
Price, Emily
See: Post, Emily, 1872-1960
Reed, Mr.
See: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691
Retort, Dick
See: Cobbett, William, 1763-1835
Riggs, Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin
See: Wiggin, Kate Douglas Smith, 1856-1923
Rochefort, Alfred
See: Calhoun, A. R. (Alfred Rochefort), 1844-1912
Salvianus, Gildas
See: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691
Scarfoglia, Matilde Serao
See: Serao, Matilde, 1856-1927
Seltz, O. de
See: Rostaing, Jules, 1824-
Shields, Sarah Annie Frost
See: Frost, S. Annie (Sarah Annie)
Smith, E. Azalia (Emma Azalia)
See: Hackley, E. Azalia (Emma Azalia), 1867-1922
Smith, Kate Douglas
See: Wiggin, Kate Douglas Smith, 1856-1923
St. Albans, Francis Bacon, Viscount
See: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626
Stanhope, Philip Dormer, Earl of Chesterfield
See: Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of, 1694-1773
Südfeld, Max Simon
See: Nordau, Max Simon, 1849-1923
Sunbeam, Susie
See: Mackarness, Henry S., Mrs., 1826-1881
Terhune, Mary Virginia Hawes
See: Harland, Marion, 1830-1922
Terhune Van de Water, Virginia
See: Van de Water, Virginia Terhune, 1865-1945
Titcomb, Timothy
See: Holland, J. G. (Josiah Gilbert), 1819-1881
Tour, Geoffroy de La
See: La Tour Landry, Geoffroy de, -1406?
Ullman, Douglas Elton Thomas
See: Fairbanks, Douglas, 1883-1939
United States President (1913-1921)
See: Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924
Verulam, Francis Bacon
See: Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626
Verulanus, Joannes Sulpitius
See: Sulpitius Verulanus, Joannes, active 15th century
Von Seydewitz, Margaret
See: Seydewitz, Margaret von
Walters, Wallace Delois
See: Wattles, W. D., 1860-1911
- 圍爐夜話 (Chinese) (as Author)
Water, Virginia Terhune Van de
See: Van de Water, Virginia Terhune, 1865-1945
- Aims and Aids for Girls and Young Women
On the Various Duties of Life, Physical, Intellectual, And
Moral Development; Self-Culture, Improvement, Dress, Beauty,
Fashion, Employment, Education, The Home Relations, Their
Duties To Young Men, Marriage, Womanhood And Happiness. (English) (as Author)
- How to Behave: A Pocket Manual of Republican Etiquette, and Guide to Correct Personal Habits
Embracing an Exposition of the Principles of Good Manners; Useful Hints on the Care of the Person, Eating, Drinking, Exercise, Habits, Dress, Self-culture, and Behavior at Home; the Etiquette of Salutations, Introductions, Receptions, Visits, Dinners, Evening Parties, Conversation, Letters, Presents, Weddings, Funerals, the Street, the Church, Places of Amusement, Traveling, Etc., with Illustrative Anecdotes, a Chapter on Love and Courtship, and Rules of Order for Debating Societies (English) (as Author)
Wheeler, Ella
See: Wilcox, Ella Wheeler, 1850-1919
Wilbur, Homer
See: Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891
- 顔氏家訓 (Chinese) (as Author)
- 顔氏家訓 (Chinese) (as Author)
Yen, Chieh
See: Yan, Zhitui, 531-591
See: Aristotle, 384 BC-322 BC
See: Lü, Kun, 1536-1618
See: Confucius, 551 BC-479 BC
See: Mencius, 372? BC-289? BC
See: Nitobe, Inazo, 1862-1933
See: Zhu, Yongchun, 1617-1689
See: Li, Yuxiu, active 17th century-18th century
See: Hong, Zicheng, active 1596
See: Wang, Yongbin
See: Yan, Zhitui, 531-591