Adam, Uncle
See: Old Humphrey, 1787-1854
See: Russell, George William, 1867-1935
Anonymous Christian
See: De Mille, James, 1833-1880
See: Duffield, Samuel Willoughby, 1843-1887
Army and Navy Commission of the Episcopal Church
See: Episcopal Church. Army and Navy Commission
Avenarius, Iohanne
See: Habermann, Johann, 1516-1590
Babila, Quintin Paredes y
See: Paredes y Babila, Quintin, 1884-1973
Behmen, Jacob
See: Böhme, Jakob, 1575-1624
Benincasa, Caterina, Saint
See: Catherine, of Siena, Saint, 1347-1380
See: Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870
Brofeldt, Pekka
See: Aho, Pekka, 1864-1945
Bruce, Carlton
See: Old Humphrey, 1787-1854
- The Believer's Confidence in a Faithful God
and the Needless Triumph of His Enemies Considered, in a Sermon, Preached on Lord's Day Morning, November 23, 1817, at Seven O'clock, at the Surrey Tabernacle (English) (as Author)
- Christ the True Melchisedec
Being the substance of a sermon, preached on Sunday evening, July 24th, 1813, at the Obelisk Chapel (English) (as Author)
- Consolation in Life and Death, Derived from the Life of Christ
Being the substance of a sermon on the death of Mrs. Turner, preached at the Surrey Tabernacle, on Sunday evening, the 15th of August, 1824 (English) (as Author)
- The Descent of the Branch into the Waters of Sorrow, to Bring up the Election of Grace
Being the Substance of a Sermon, Preached by J. Church, of the Surrey Tabernacle (English) (as Author)
- A Feast for Serpents
Being the substance of a sermon, preached at the Obelisk Chapel, on Sunday evening, March 21, 1813 (English) (as Author)
- The Foundling; or, The Child of Providence (English) (as Author)
- The Glorious Law-Giver, and the Obedient Subject
Being the Substance of a Sermon, on the Duty of All Believers to Commemorate the Death of the Redeemer, in the Lord's Supper. Intending to Set Forth the Authority of Christ; the Nature of the Ordinance; and a Description of the Persons Who Have a Right to Partake of the Same. (English) (as Author)
- The Glory of Grace Effected by Weak Means
Being the Substance of a Sermon, Preached on the Death of Samuel Church, Aged Twelve Years. On Sunday Evening, April 14, 1822, by J. Church, at the Surrey Tabernacle. (English) (as Author)
- The Gracious Designs of God, Accomplished by the Malice of His Enemies
Being the Substance of an Address, Delivered on Wednesday, November 24th, 1819, at the Surrey Tabernacle, by J. Church, Being the Day of His Deliverance. (English) (as Author)
- Is This Your Likeness? A Scriptural Definition of Hypocrisy and Sincerity (English) (as Author)
- The Living Letter, Written with the Pen of Truth
Being the Substance of a Sermon, Preached at the Obelisk Chapel, St. George's Fields, on Sunday Morning, Sept. 26, 1813. (English) (as Author)
- The Sacrifice of Life Slain by the Twenty-nine Instruments of Death
Being the Substance of a Sermon Preached on Sunday Morning, Nov. 28, 1813 at the Obelisk Chapel (English) (as Author)
- The Speedy Appearance of Christ Desired by the Church
Being the Substance of a Sermon, Preached on the Death of a Friend, August 27, 1815 (English) (as Author)
- Spiritual Victories Through the Light of Salvation (English) (as Author)
- The Thirteen Names of the First Patriarchs, Considered as Figurative of the Progressive Influence of the Spirit.
Being the Substance of Two Sermons, Preached on Wednesday March 24, and April 3, 1811, at the Obelisk Chapel (English) (as Author)
- The Voice of Faith in the Valley of Achor: Vol. 1 [of 2]
being a series of letters to several friends on religious subjects (English) (as Author)
- The Voice of Faith in the Valley of Achor: Vol. 2 [of 2]
being a series of letters to several friends on religious subjects (English) (as Author)
Clairvaux, Bernard of, Saint
See: Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1091?-1153
Clear, Claudius
See: Nicoll, W. Robertson (William Robertson), Sir, 1851-1923
Courcy, Richard de
See: De Courcy, Richard, 1743-1803
Cudworth, Damaris
See: Masham, Damaris, Lady, 1658-1708
- A Letter to the Right Hon. Lord Bexley
containing a statement to the committee of the British and Foreign Bible Society, as to the relations of that institution, with France, the valleys of Piedmont, Switzerland and Germany (English) (as Author)
- Observations on an Anonymous Pamphlet, Which Has Been Distributed in Lowestoft, and Its Neighbourhood, Entitled Reasons Why a Churchman May with Great Justice Refuse to Subscribe to the British and Foreign Bible Society (English) (as Author)
- The Pilot's Daughter: an account of Elizabeth Cullingham (English) (as Author)
- Substance of a Sermon on the Bible Society
preached at Beccles, October 29th, and at St. Mary's Church Bungay, on Friday, Dec. 1st, 1815 (English) (as Author)
De Caussade, Jean Pierre
See: Caussade, Jean Pierre de, -1751
De Lamennais, Félicité Robert
See: Lamennais, Félicité Robert de, 1782-1854
De Macedo, Inácio José
See: Macedo, Inácio José de, 1774-1834
Deth, Gerrit van, Mrs.
See: Sangster, Margaret Elizabeth Munson, 1838-1912
Docteur Francus
See: Mazon, Albin, 1828-1908
Douchaussois, Pierre
See: Duchaussois, R. P. (Pierre Jean Baptiste), 1878-1940
See: Durand, Guillaume, 1230?-1296
Durant, Guillaume
See: Durand, Guillaume, 1230?-1296
Dyke, Henry Van
See: Van Dyke, Henry, 1852-1933
Francus, Docteur
See: Mazon, Albin, 1828-1908
Gould, Sabine Baring
See: Baring-Gould, S. (Sabine), 1834-1924
Harrison, James
See: Bale, John, 1495-1563
Henry, George
See: Sumner, George Henry, 1824-1909
- Baptism as taught in the Bible and the Prayer Book (English) (as Author)
- The Believer Not Ashamed of the Gospel (English) (as Author)
- The Blessed Hope: A Sermon on the Death of Mrs. Francis Cunningham (English) (as Author)
- The Christian Mother; or, Notes for Mothers' Meetings (English) (as Author of introduction, etc.)
- The Coming Night
A Sermon Preached in Cromer Church, on Friday, June 12, 1857, on occasion of the death of Anna Gurney (English) (as Author)
- The Communion and Communicant (English) (as Author)
- Conformity to the World (English) (as Author)
- The Doctrine of the Lord's Supper. As Taught by the Church of England (English) (as Author)
- England's Stewardship
The Substance of a Sermon Preached on the Fast-Day, in Trinity Church, Tunbridge Wells (English) (as Author)
- The faithful servant
A sermon, preached in St. Peter's, Southborough, on occasion of the death of the Rev. Stephen Langston (English) (as Author)
- Memorials of Francis Storr: Sermons (English) (as Author)
- Multiplied Blessings: Eighteen Short Readings (English) (as Author)
- A Sermon Preached in York Minister, on St. Bartholomew's Day, Friday, August 24, 1877
on the Occasion of the Consecration of the Right Rev. Rowley Hill, Lord Bishop of Sodor and Man (English) (as Author)
- Sermons for the Day (English) (as Author)
- Two Sermons Preached in the Parish Church of Nonington, Kent, January 17, 1864
being the Sunday following the Funeral of John Pemberton Plumptre, Esq. (English) (as Author)
Hoskins, Charlotte Lewis Roundey
See: Hoskins, Robert, Mrs., 1837-
Ippolito, di Roma, Antipope
See: Hippolytus, Antipope, 170?-236?
John, Gabriel
See: Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731
Kahila, Hilja
See: Järnefelt, Arvid, 1861-1932
Kanamori, Michitomo
See: Kanamori, Paul M., 1857-1945
Kanamori, Tsurin
See: Kanamori, Paul M., 1857-1945
Keith, Marian
See: MacGregor, Mary Esther Miller, 1876-1961
Kempis, Thomas à
See: Thomas, à Kempis, 1380-1471
- The World's Great Sermons, Volume 01: Basil to Calvin (English) (as Editor)
- The World's Great Sermons, Volume 02: Hooker to South (English) (as Editor)
- The World's Great Sermons, Volume 03: Massillon to Mason (English) (as Editor)
- The World's Great Sermons, Volume 04: L. Beecher to Bushnell (English) (as Editor)
- The World's Great Sermons, Volume 05: Guthrie to Mozley (English) (as Editor)
- The World's Great Sermons, Volume 06: H. W. Beecher to Punshon (English) (as Editor)
- The World's Great Sermons, Volume 07: Hale to Farrar (English) (as Editor)
- The World's Great Sermons, Volume 08: Talmage to Knox Little (English) (as Editor)
- The World's Great Sermons, Volume 09: Cuyler to Van Dyke (English) (as Editor)
- The World's Great Sermons, Volume 10: Drummond to Jowett, and General Index (English) (as Editor)
Labaree, Mary Schauffler
See: Platt, Mary Schauffler, 1868-1954
Lewars, Harold, Mrs.
See: Singmaster, Elsie, 1879-1958
Lothrop, Amy
See: Warner, Anna Bartlett, 1824-1915
Lull, Ramón
See: Llull, Ramon, 1232?-1316
MacMahon, Ella
See: McMahon, Ella
Mennais, Félicité Robert de La
See: Lamennais, Félicité Robert de, 1782-1854
Mille, James de
See: De Mille, James, 1833-1880
Miller, Elizabeth Erwin
See: Lobingier, Elizabeth Miller, 1889-1973
Mogridge, George
See: Old Humphrey, 1787-1854
Moore, Stuart, Mrs.
See: Underhill, Evelyn, 1875-1941
More, Mary
See: Whittle, D. W. (Daniel Webster), 1840-1901
Moreton, Andrew
See: Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731
Mueller, George
See: Müller, George, 1805-1898
Navarre, Marguerite de
See: Marguerite, Queen, consort of Henry II, King of Navarre, 1492-1549
Ockenström, Heikki Arvi
See: Järventaus, Arvi, 1883-1939
Osbourne, Fanny Van de Grift
See: Stevenson, Fanny Van de Grift, 1840-1914
See: Irons, William J. (William Josiah), 1812-1883
Parley, Peter
See: Old Humphrey, 1787-1854
Preston, Paul
See: Old Humphrey, 1787-1854
Quintin, of Abra
See: Paredes y Babila, Quintin, 1884-1973
Reed, Mr.
See: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691
Remière, J.
See: Ramière, Henri, 1821-1884
Robinson, Jane Marie Bancroft
See: Bancroft, Jane M. (Jane Marie), 1847-1932
See: Church, J. (John), 1780?-1825?
Salvianus, Gildas
See: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691
Shuttleworth, Emma Frances
See: Bevan, Frances, 1827-1909
- 灵历集光 (Chinese) (as Compiler)
- 灵历集光 (Chinese) (as Author)
Stalbrydge, Henry
See: Bale, John, 1495-1563
Stuart, Arabella W.
See: Willson, Arabella M.
Sung, John
See: Song, Shangjie, 1901-1944
Taylor, Charles B. (Charles Benjamin)
See: Tayler, Charles B. (Charles Benjamin), 1797-1875
Thorne, P.
See: Smith, Mary P. Wells (Mary Prudence Wells), 1840-1930
Truscot, Bruce
See: Peers, E. Allison (Edgar Allison), 1891-1952
Tucker, Charlotte Maria
See: A. L. O. E., 1821-1893
Ukawsaw Gronniosaw, James Albert
See: Gronniosaw, James Albert Ukawsaw, 1710?-1773?
Vandergrift, Fanny
See: Stevenson, Fanny Van de Grift, 1840-1914
Van Deth, Gerrit, Mrs.
See: Sangster, Margaret Elizabeth Munson, 1838-1912
Van Nes, W.
See: Nes, W. van
Van Wert, Rupert
See: Eddy, Daniel C. (Daniel Clarke), 1823-1896
- The American Missionary — Vol. 33, No. 3, March, 1879 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 32, No. 01, January, 1878 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 32, No. 02, February, 1878 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 32, No. 03, March, 1878 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 32, No. 04, April 1878 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 32, No. 05, May, 1878 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 32, No. 06, June, 1878 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 32, No. 07, July 1878 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 32, No. 08, August, 1878 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 32, No. 09, September, 1878 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 32, No. 10, October, 1878 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 32, No. 11, November, 1878 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 32, No. 12, December, 1878 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 33, No. 01, January 1879 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 33, No. 02, February, 1879 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 33, No. 04, April 1879 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 33, No. 05, May, 1879 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 33, No. 06, June, 1879 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 33, No. 07, July, 1879 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 33, No. 08, August, 1879 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 33, No. 09, September, 1879 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 33, No. 10, October, 1879 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 33, No. 11, November, 1879 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 33, No. 12, December 1879 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 34, No. 02, February, 1880 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 34, No. 04, April, 1880 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 34, No. 06, June, 1880 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 34, No. 09, September, 1880 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 34, No. 10, October, 1880 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary, Volume 34, No. 11, November 1880 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary, Volume 34, No. 12, December 1880 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 34, No. 1, January, 1880 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 34, No. 3, March, 1880 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 34, No. 7, July, 1880 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 34, No. 8, August, 1880 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 35, No. 10, October, 1881 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 35, No. 11, November, 1881 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 35, No. 12, December, 1881 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 35, No. 1, January, 1881 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 35, No. 2, February, 1881 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 35, No. 3, March 1881 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 35, No. 4, April, 1881 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 35, No. 5, May, 1881 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 35, No. 6, June, 1881 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 35, No. 7, July, 1881 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 35, No. 8, August, 1881 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 35, No. 9, September, 1881 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 36, No. 10, October, 1882 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 36, No. 11, November, 1882 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 36, No. 12, December, 1882 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 36, No. 1, January, 1882 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 36, No. 2, February, 1882 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 36, No. 3, March, 1882 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 36, No. 4, April, 1882 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 36, No. 5, May, 1882 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 36, No. 6, June, 1882 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 36, No. 7, July, 1882 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 36, No. 8, August 1882 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 36, No. 9, September, 1882 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 37, No. 10, October, 1883 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 37, No. 11, November, 1883 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 37, No. 12, December, 1883 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 37, No. 1, January, 1883 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 37, No. 2, February, 1883 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 37, No. 3, March, 1883 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 37, No. 4, April, 1883 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 37, No. 5, May, 1883 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 37, No. 6, June 1883 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 37, No. 7, July, 1883 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 37, No. 8, August, 1883 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 37, No. 9, September, 1883 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 38, No. 01, January, 1884 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 38, No. 06, June, 1884 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 39, No. 02, February, 1885 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 39, No. 03, March, 1885 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 39, No. 07, July, 1885 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 39, No. 08, August, 1885 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 39, No. 10, October, 1885 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 39, No. 11, November, 1885 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 03, March, 1887 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 10, October, 1887 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 11, November, 1887 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 12, December, 1887 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 1, January, 1887 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 2, February, 1887 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 4, April, 1887 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 5, May, 1887 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 6, June, 1887 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 7, July, 1887 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 8, August, 1887 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 41, No. 9, September, 1887 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 01, January, 1888 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 02, February, 1888 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 03, March, 1888 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 04, April, 1888 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 05, May, 1888 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 06, June, 1888 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 07, July, 1888 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 08, August, 1888 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 10, October, 1888 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 11, November, 1888 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 12, December, 1888 (English) (as Author)
- The American missionary — volume 42, no. 9, September, 1888 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 43, No. 01, January, 1889 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 43, No. 02, February, 1889 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 43, No. 03, March, 1889 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 43, No. 04, April, 1889 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 43, No. 05, May, 1889 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 43, No. 06, June, 1889 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 43, No. 07, July, 1889 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 43, No. 08, August, 1889 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 43, No. 09, September, 1889 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 43, No. 10, October, 1889 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 43, No. 11, November, 1889 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 43, No. 12, December, 1889 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 44, No. 01, January, 1890 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 44, No. 02, February, 1890 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 44, No. 03, March, 1890 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 44, No. 04, April, 1890 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 44, No. 05, May, 1890 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 44, No. 06, June, 1890 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 44, No. 10, October, 1890 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 45, No. 02, February, 1891 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 48, No. 07, July, 1894 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 48, No. 10, October, 1894 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 49, No. 02, February, 1895 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 49, No. 03, March, 1895 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 49, No. 04, April, 1895 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 49, No. 05, May, 1895 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 50, No. 01, January, 1896 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 50, No. 02, February, 1896 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 50, No. 03, March, 1896 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 50, No. 04, April, 1896 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 50, No. 05, May, 1896 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 50, No. 06, June, 1896 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 50, No. 08, August, 1896 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 50, No. 09, September, 1896 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 52, No. 01, March, 1898 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 52, No. 02, June, 1898 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 52, No. 03, September, 1898 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 54, No. 01, January, 1900 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 54, No. 02, April, 1900 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 54, No. 03, July, 1900 (English) (as Author)
- The American Missionary — Volume 54, No. 04, October, 1900 (English) (as Author)
- American Missionary, Vol. XXXIV., No. 5, May 1880 (English) (as Author)
- Devotional Poetry for the Children. Second Part (English) (as Author)
- Excellent Women (English) (as Author)
Wace, Walter E.
See: Nicoll, W. Robertson (William Robertson), Sir, 1851-1923
Watson, John
See: Maclaren, Ian, 1850-1907
White, Thomas Ward
See: Barrett, Philip, 1838-1900
Wilcox, Thomas
See: T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1622-1687
Wilson-Carmichael, Amy
See: Carmichael, Amy, 1867-1951
Wood, William
See: Warton, John, 1770-1841
Αθανάσιος, Μέγας
See: Athanasius, Saint, Patriarch of Alexandria, -373
Толстой, Лев Николаевич
See: Tolstoy, Leo, graf, 1828-1910
See: Song, Shangjie, 1901-1944
See: Kanamori, Paul M., 1857-1945